Sunday, August 3, 2014

Beware for Everything!

       As technology and modern advancement bind the earth little by little, more and more dilemmas are uprising and creeping sluggishly, pulling the earth towards the mud of eternal unknowingness. The more industrialization establishes itself, the more natural resources are being eradicated, murdered to death. More people are getting sick, more are dying, more are parted from their dreams. Everything just seem to vanish in an instant.
         Proper  nutrition and its maintenance had been one of the most intriguing focuses in the world today. The determining factor in the total health of an individual seems to be a thing that is very hard to catch and get that even the most advance machineries cannot offer any help. One of the factors involved in the attainment of proper nutrition is eating fruits and vegetables accompanied by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water to cleanse your body and to keep you away from diseases. Proper nutrition means invicibility to diseases. Good nutritional status is noted when man benefits from a well-balanced dietary intake.
          This month of July is the Nutrition Month Celebration. Many activities were given to us, planned by the officers of the STEP/TLE CLUB. Some of the activities were done successfully like the mural painting, poster-slogan contest, cook-fest, Nutri-jingle and etc. The theme they used is "Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan".
            Therefore, eating right amount and kinds of food everyday is tremendous contribution of nutrition to prevent diseases. Proper nutrition is the very thing we nee now. our existence will mean a lot as well as our goals if we can utilize this. If only we can set aside every earthly distraction and pay close attention to health and life, then every man can wake up each day facing the new hope of the golden sun and providing the wellspring of progress in the world.

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