Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fifth SONA of PNoy!

        Philippine President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address in Monday, July 28, 2014 at the Batasan Pambansa in front of joint session of the Upper and Lower House of country's Legislative Branch of Government.
         The State of the Nation Address of President PNoy started at around 4:03 pm and concluded after one hour and almost 30 minutes. The SONA 2014 is one of the state reports his accomplishments and plans for the country. During the entire SONA, the president recieved a total of 85 rounds of applause.
           President Aquino started his fifth SONA recounting how the Philippines, once called as the "sick man of Asia" and transformed into one of the most promising economy in Asia. He narrated how the government endured the corruption and hardships before hi terms started. The President then expressed his sentiments how the National Government transformed.
         At the SONA of the President Benigno explained the importance of the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) as he defended his assistance, despite the controversy surrounding its implementation. He showed all the projects funded by DAP that came from the savings of the National Government. The President noted that because of DAP, it was able to help TESDA scholars achieved their goals even showcasing a testimonials from the beneficiaries of the program. Through DAP, the government was able to financed the Conditional Cash Transfer Program which was branched by the government as 4P's or the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
        President PNoy also shared how the Philippines became one of the leading countries in Asia for its growth. He also noted that the employment rate of the country had increased and reflects how his administration handled the labor policies.
          And in his SONA he took all about his achievements in improving the life of all Filipino's and making out the Filipino community in poverty. I am thankful to our President for making improvements in our country even if it is not perfect to others to accept.
           President Aquino also made an advised for choosing the country's next leader in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. He was quoted as saying "Sino ang walang dudang magpatuloy sa transpormasyong ating isinakatuparan?" and he also noted that "The Filipino is worth living for, the Filipino is definitely fighting for".
           But the one where the President Aquino said in the end of speech saying "To my bosses, you are behind the transformation we are enjoying. You are the key to continuing all the positive changes we have achieved. I fully believe that, whether I am here or not, the Filipino is headed towards the rightful destination", and so, I will leave it here". This message approach my heart over and over and I am so happy and touched of that message of our own President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino.

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