Thursday, August 14, 2014

#Flashback Memories

            Technology is the present world. It affects people's daily lives. Everyone has seen the moody, withdrawn kid with music blasting out of his/her white ear buds, or the girl or the boy rapidly texting on his/her phone. For instance, our parents and grandparents did not have fancy cellphones or high-tech computers back then because it was never created. But the youth of today are constantly immersed in technological advancements that promote nonstop communication and instant gratification, whether through cellphones, gaming systems, laptops, or MP3 players. But are these technological advancements a good thing? Yes, because it makes the life of people easier and this technological advancements can help us in our daily lives, whether it in school or at home. And for me the purpose of this technologies is for educational purposes only and for some pastime is for gaming.
                  In our ICT subject I learned something like making our own blogspot and trying to put something in there. And I discover I can write essays/journals to be posted in my blog. This blog is not only a requirement but at the same time, this blog can make me express my feelings or emotions about the happenings in our environment and society. And I discover in making my blogspot is that editing the posts I posted and editing the background of my blogspot  to be more presentable.
                 Nothing problems or challenges I have encountered but the only problem I have encountered is the internet connection when it is not functioning well or the network connection is not available and so I cannot make my post anymore. But I address this problem/challenge by asking help from my teacher in ICT IV, Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz. She is the one who can help  me in my problem. She can fix the problem I encountered in my computer  workstation.
                   Moving on, I will do everything to do my activities, projects and assignments be a good outcome of every sacrifices I made.