Saturday, January 3, 2015

We Have Learn A Lot

This year 2015 was supposed to be the year of our graduation and few months from now, we will be called high school graduates from the institution of learning, my alma mater in the secondary level, Ilocos Sur National High School. Many subjects I had like in our fourth year life in school because I learn a lot but most of it, the one that became a part of my high school life is ICT or Information and Communications Technology. I really like this subject because it talks all about computer and such things connected to it is the internet.
During the third grading period, I find that the lessons we tackled is very interesting and sometime boring because many of our classmates were out for some important activity and they are not attending the classes and they’ve missed a lot of the discussions that are applicable for some real life activities like business taking. Yet, I still listening to the lessons what our teacher is discussing. I learn a lot from this subject especially in the part of project making, that I’ve learn it is better to do works early than doing it just a day before the submission. Just like in our group, we start doing this project so early, we plan what we will put in our blog and we start searching and finding information to be used in our project but badly to say that we will need to stop this because of many interruptions like the press conference that they will be attending and sadly to say that one of our group mates and one of them is our leader, he will attend also.    Nevertheless, we continued making it after they will comeback. We rushed doing it and finally we've finished although it is not beautiful and perfect but we are proud to make it because we also learn in our project. Thank you Ma’am Evelyn Vera Cruz for giving us this kind of project because we learn a lot.
           This was another journey of learning ICT and I hope that I can do better and all will be improved this third quarter and for the last quarter also.

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