Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Dream My Future

When I was a child, my teachers and parents said to me, ‘people who have no dreams of the future will not fly far away’. Because of those inspiring words from my parents and teachers, I tried to make inspired and do what I can do to reach my goals in life.
Some people may talk about me because in my age I have no idea where I want to go from high school. I on the other hand, have most of my future already planned out based off of goals, hopes, and dreams. Knowing what I want to do with my life relieves a lot of stress and worry. I have no idea where I’m going to go, but at least I know how I want to get there. I know my college goals, how I want my lifestyle to be and what I want to do with my free time. I planned in my future that first, I will study harder and I want to pursue my dream to become a Medical Technologist. And after my studies I would like to build a laboratory for those patients or ordinary people who wants to know what are they want to know inside their bodies like disease. Now, time to talk about my lifestyle. Being so busy with all this school and trying to pay for it will really affect my life. I will not have time making a family, not like I really want one anyway. That would just get in the way, and make a tight budget tighter. Even after I finish school I will be too occupied with work. I’m so set on success that even marriage sounds like it would be in the way. I just don’t have the responsibility to manage that. Looks like a bachelorette life for me! Another thing about my future life is I’m in high hopes I’ll have a good job. That will get me a decent home, money to spend on traveling, or other things I’d want to do to keep myself happy. I just don’t want to ever get too lonely. Last thing about my future is what I’m going to do in my spare time. One hobby I have is writing, like I said earlier. Writing for me is like documenting all the important times in my life worth remembering and how I feel about them. If I get a degree in that, it’d be even better because I could have a job doing something I do all the time anyway. I really want to travel a lot when I get older too.

I will try my best to do my dream job in the future, and if I fail or I have problems with my studies, I will keep on dreaming to overcome the problem and keep believing I will have a good life in the future. So that’s what I want my life to be like all wrapped up, I want to reach my goals in college, live my dream lifestyle, and keep up with the hobbies and pastimes I have always loved. A spontaneous, yet laid back life is perfect for me. Do you know what you want to do with your life? Or did you, and did it turn out as you had hoped or expected? 

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