Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Outpouring Hearts and Minds through Literacy and English Proficiency

In our world today, languages are very important. Different languages are used by all countries around the world, first is their original language and second the languages they will use to communicate to other cultures. English language is one of the languages used by everybody and it is said to be the universal language. So every year, we are celebrating the English Month Celebration where we are recognizing the importance of literacy and languages. There were activities made to increase the skills of joining of every students like me. This year's theme of the English Month celebration is "Outpouring Hearts and Minds through Literacy and English Proficiency." It was amended by English Coordinator Marcelino V. Malaban. He said that the importance of learning English language is not only the individual's local and domestic pursuits but for the global affairs as well. English language enlarges human experiences, understandings and practices. This English language is so widely spoken. It had been referred as the "world or global language."
The first importance of English language is that it is a mean to communicate in the interconnected and interdependent world. Nowadays, English is called International Language and it is also the second language of other countries in the world. Therefore, we can realize the importance in communication of this language. When we know English, we can come to and communicate with the citizens of most of counties in this globe, without any confusion in expressing our ideas, thoughts and feelings or emotions. English is widely spoken here in the Philippines. It is used as the business language as well as the medium of expression in schools. It is the language used by the people all over the world in order to communicate with each other. It is also used to connect to other cultures. From this, it is important to encourage all people to be more informed about the advantage of being proficient to it. English proficiency is the ability to speak, read and or write in English. To be proficient, one should have advanced abilities in all of this areas of communication. It was also observed that when we use this proficiencies we can advance to the new world of understanding. Why learning English language is important?  Because it is fun! It is exciting and by learning English, you will also learn about other philosophies. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours.
In brief, we cannot deny the importance of English language in this modern world. This language helps us to express our knowledge, to talk, to exchange views, and to contract between person and person though wherever we live. Furthermore, in the world that English is considered as the main language, English is now taking an important part in the chance to take a job. Hence, we can predict that English language will continue to develop and bring us more advantages in the near future; and, maybe someday, English will be appreciated as one of the languages in the world.

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