Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Teacher, My Hero!

        In my life as a student in school, I learn something, I learn everything. Important lessons, important discussions, fun exercises, tiring activities and frightful tests but it’s okay for me. In life, people may come and go, some will be remembered and some will be forgotten. But one thing I am sure of, you can never forget the important persons whom you can also call as your second parents, second guardian and second protectors. These are our teachers.
The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or identifications. My father is also a teacher, so, I prefer to become also a teacher someday because my father is my inspiration to have my career in the future.
The role of a teacher is to help students apply concepts, such as Math, English, Science, and ICT through classroom instructions and presentations. Their role is also to prepare lessons, manage the classroom, meet with parents, and work closely with their students. Being a teacher is much more than just executing lesson plans, they also carry the role of a surrogate parent, disciplinarian, mentor, counselor, book keeper, role model, planner and many more. In today's world a teacher's role is a multifaceted profession.
One benefit of the role of a teacher is being a constant role model for their students. Children that lack a solid family foundation will really benefit from a positive role model. Teacher's that portray an image of confidence and accomplishment will help fulfill a child's need of a positive role model when the family may fail to provide such a figure.

Teaching is a noble profession. Teaching is something to be proud of. So, teachers are great and awesome. When we’re talking about our teachers, all of us are glad to thank them especially when you've learned a lot of great lessons from them. But we can never regret that sometimes we hate them because they are giving us a lot of home works and projects and activities which are so difficult for us to do and we students sometimes don’t appreciate our teachers, right? Well, it is a part of being a student.
Teachers teaches us in all ways, guide us through different challenges. Their patience is so long because for us students even though we are so naughty they still forgive us and they give us another chance to change. They teach us very well and give us enough knowledge about things we don’t know yet. We students must love and respect our teachers because they have been a part of our student’s life.
Thank you for all my teachers for being my second parent, second guardian but most of all, My HERO who saves us from any circumstances and challenges that we may step on.

My Teacher, My Hero!

Monday, September 8, 2014

*Science Month Celebration*

       In this month of September, this is the start of the "ber" months where we can feel excitement but before anything else let us enjoy the remaining months where we can spend our time in anything that make us happy.
       In the month of September is considered as the National Science Club Month Celebration (NSCMC) under the Presidential Proclamation No. 264. Which then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed in September 2002. During the National Science Club Month Celebration, the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC) conducts activities that encourage the youth to actively participate in the science clubbing movement.
          The Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs is a non-stock, non-profit, non-government, and non-sectarian organization. It is the only national federation of youth science clubs in the Philippines. Its thrust is to promote the Public Understanding of Science, Technology and Environment. With more than 100,000 active members nationwide, the society on its 39th year of existence is continuously conducting activities geared towards the promotion of scientific interests and consciousness among our youth.
        Let's talk about the insights of the Science Month Celebration. According to a post on the official Facebook page of the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC). The group explained the rationale behind the theme as follows: "It is a play on words on ammunition and immunization. We would like our science clubbers to be armed or to be immune against diseases through imparting knowledge about disease on how they spread and etc. Our goal is not only the science clubbers that benefit from this knowledge but also their school and communities and thus leading to national wellness."

        As the Science Club Vice-President of our school, I would like to promote the mission of our organization and this is where we would like to promote the public understanding of Science, Technology and Environment to be immune or to be armed against the present issues of diseases where it can affects the life of the person.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

#My Hero is My Family*

             A hero works beyond the scope of his or her job, possibly as a volunteer. A hero responds to a social need, or the needs of a person or  a group. A hero moves out of its comfort zone, for example something she has no experience with, and may even put her life on the line.
               A hero meets a need, reacts in the moment, or feels strongly about some injustice in the world. A hero has an impact on others; brought innovation to his/her field to help the less fortunate; developed a program directed at those in need; raised funds for a specific cause; or rescued someone whose life was in trouble or danger.
         A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his/her freedom. And a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. 
                As modern time comes, there are those heroes shine from their names and super powers like Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman and etc. But for me my hero in my life is my family, my mother and my father who cares for me in trouble times or in problems that I will encounter. They are so brave in times of problems. They show to me they can resolve that problem. And I believe then that they can. And we believe in the saying, "When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death , so that when your time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home".